What’s been published recently suggests there’s likely to be a problem.
Have we reached a tipping point?
Dr. Paul Dargan of Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London and Dr. Indika Gawarammana at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka are working to determine the risks of heavy metals in ayurvedic medicine.
Recent European legislation, say these researchers, may improve the safety of products bought in shops, but it will not cover personal imports or products prescribed by traditional medicine practitioners.
It’s a basic principle of ayurveda that practitioners can use anything as a drug. Accordingly, rather that being treated as contaminates, heavy metals — lead, copper, gold, iron, mercury, silver, tin, zinc — are added intentionally to achieve a balance considered essential for normal functioning and good health.
The bottom line?
At what point do the presumed benefits of heavy metals become overwhelmed by their known toxicity?
10/25/08 14:40 JR