Has the UK quietly outlawed “alternative” medicine?

 The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (the “Regulations”) came into force on May 26, 2008. Douglas McLachlan writes on The Journal website that it represents “the most extensive modernization and simplification of the consumer protection framework for 20 years.”

But what’s the CAM connection?

The Regulations prohibit unfair commercial practices between traders and consumers.

This includes “falsely claiming that a product is able to cure illnesses, dysfunction, or malformations.” The definition of “product” includes services, so all forms medical products and treatments are covered.

The bottom line?
Critics of CAM might be tempted to claim that the best available scientific data show that the effect of some of these therapies is indistinguishable from a “placebo effect.”

If so, which CAM practitioners and representative organizations would be able to defend their practice?

I can find no evidence that this challenge to CAM in the UK has actually occurred, yet.

9/26/08 19:06 JR