The University of Maryland website has a review of omega-3 fatty acids.
Here are the essentials
- The body doesn’t make them.
- They must be obtained from food or supplements.
- Three major types: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
- Once eaten, ALA is converted to EPA and DHA, which are most readily used by the body.
Beneficial effects
- Reduces inflammation and helps prevent heart disease and arthritis.
- Important for cognitive and behavioral function.
- May reduce cyclosporine side effects (ie, high blood pressure and kidney damage) in transplant patients.
- Adding omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA) to etretinate (Tegison) and topical corticosteroids may improve symptoms of psoriasis.
- Helps statins treat hypercholesterolemia.
- If you take anticoagulants (drugs to “thin” the blood [warfarin, Coumadin]) make your physician aware that you are taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements.
The article also discusses how to take omega-3 fatty acids and more safety information.
12/7/06 09:55 JR