Negative results: Acupuncture for in vitro fertilization

The lead author of this study is Dr. Alice Domar, an international leader in the field of mind/body medicine and women’s health. Her website states that the Domar Center offers acupuncture for pre and post embryo transfer sessions.

It will be interesting to see how these results influence that policy.

First, the details.

  • 150 women scheduled for embryo transfer were randomly assigned to acupuncture or a control group.
    • The acupuncture group received a 25-minute treatment before and after embryo transfer.
    • Women in the control group laid quietly.
  • Pregnancies were recorded.
  • Everyone completed questionnaires on anxiety and optimism.

And, the results.

  • There was no difference in the rate of pregnancy between the groups.
  • Acupuncture patients reported significantly less anxiety post-transfer.
  • They were more optimistic about their cycle and enjoyed their sessions more than the control group.

The bottom line?

More on this controversial area of acupuncture treatment can be found here.

8/25/08 18:00 JR