Hypnosis in children receiving cancer chemotherapy

 This meta-analysis concludes, “Hypnosis could be a clinically valuable intervention [to reduce] anticipatory and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children with cancer.”

First, the details.

  • A literature review revealed 6 relevant studies (5 in children).

And, the results.

  • A combining and reanalysis of the data from these studies (meta-analysis) revealed a positive response to hypnotic treatment when compared to treatment as usual.
  • The effect was at least as large as that of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The bottom line?
The available data are positive for hypnotherapy in kids getting chemotherapy for cancer.

The authors would like to see greater detail on the patients who are receptive to hypnosis and the methods of hypnosis used. Also, more research in adults.

MayoClinic.com agrees with their evaluation of its effectiveness. It states that hypnosis “effectively relieves some chronic pain, and it may also reduce nausea and vomiting in people with cancer.”

10/14/07 13:21 JR