Highlights from CAIM

The autumn 2007 session of the American College for Advancement in Medicine’s International Educational Conference on Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine (CAIM) took place in November 2007.

Here are some highlights.
The Eggplant Cancer Cure

  • Dr. Bill Cham’s work centers on Devil’s Apple-derived glycoalkaloids, specifically solasodine rhamnosyl glycoside.
  • He has discovered that many tumors contain receptors for this glycoalkaloid and exhibit a unique binding that increases their susceptibility to its killing effect without harming normal cells.
  • In a small study of 40 patients with various solid late stage cancers, improvement in appetite, tumor reduction, improved quality of life, and extended life span was shown.
  • In another study, treatment of skin cancers topically showed 100% success at 12 weeks of treatment.
  • He has published a book to advance the subject.

Pain neutralization using neurological reflexes

  • Dr. Steve Kaufman from Denver demonstrated a new method of neutralizing areas of palpatory pain often known as trigger points.
  • He has a rambling discussion of his work here.

Traditional treatment of diabetes

  • Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona from the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine reviewed the role of emotional stress and socioeconomic status in the onset of diabetes.
  • Low levels of autonomy and low self-esteem may be two important means of improving management of diabetes as evidenced by a pilot study on the effect of lifestyle interventions among the Pima tribe of Arizona.

The bottom line?
More about the American College for Advancement in Medicine can be found here.

4/7/08 19:23 JR