Top 3 research blogs in alternative medicine

LiveSmarter is a blog for “improving daily living through insight into health, wellness, finance, and education.”

I thank them for listing The C.A.M. Report among their top 3 sites for alternative medicine research.

Here are LiveSmarter’s top 50 alternative medicine blogs (I’m particularly fond of number 36).

The other blogs mentioned in the research category are…

Terra Sigillata

  • The author is Abel Pharmboy, the nom de plume of an academic researcher and educator who holds a PhD in pharmacology.
  • It’s an enjoyable and informative read each day.
  • I’ve linked to it in the past.

Herbal Science Research

  • Its objective is to be “an open research tool for the herbal science community.”
  • It lists abstracts of research articles on topics of interest (herbals).

3/1/08 08:26 JR