Herbal options to treat mood and anxiety in menopausal women

Here’s a review by researchers at the University of Illinois, Chicago that focuses on the scientific support for the use of herbals in women during menopause. It differs a bit in its conclusions from a more general review posted here recently.

Both reviews list St. John’s wort as the most useful herbal for alleviating mood and anxiety changes during menopause.

Both reviews conclude that ginkgo and valerian do not appear to be useful in reducing depression or anxiety in these women.

In the middle are?


  • Promising in peri- and postmenopausal women (careful in the amount and duration of use).
  • Effective for anxiety in the other review.

Black cohosh

  • Useful in alleviating mood and anxiety changes during menopause.
  • Not listed in the other review.


  • Might be effective during menopause, but more research is needed
  • Not listed in the other review.

7/13/07 21:44 JR