Reviewing the value of vitamin B6 to treat carpal tunnel syndrome

Its effectiveness is controversial, but vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is often used as an option before committing to surgery, according to Drs. Milly Ryan-Harshman and Walid Aldoori in a recent review.

Most revealing is a review of 14 studies by researchers at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.

  • The results of 8 studies supported vitamin B6 supplementation.
  • The results of 6 studies were unclear or non-supportive.
  • None of the 14 studies provided level I evidence (results from a properly designed study).

In one study where past records of 994 patients with and without carpal tunnel syndrome were reviewed, taking vitamin B6 (100 mg twice daily) was associated with alleviation of symptoms in 68% compared to 14% in the comparative group.

The bottom line?
The authors conclude, “Patients taking up to 200 mg/day of vitamin B6 are unlikely to suffer adverse health effects from supplementation.”

There are lots of other treatment options, as discussed here.

2/2/08 18:38 JR