At the US News website, Avery Comarow has a positive report on CAM use in US hospitals.
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City uses the following treatments.
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
- Herbal medicine
- Homeopathy
Also, Children’s Hospital in Chicago is using healing touch in children receiving a bone marrow transplant in order to “rebalance their life force.”
He reports that $250 million each year is spent on CAM research, much of it by doctors at allopathic medical centers. Providing CAM under the care of allopaths lowers the risk of interactions that might have a negative effect on allopathic treatments, according to the report.
The bottom line?
On Martin Luther King’s birthday, isn’t it appropriate to hear more about successful integration of CAM into mainstream medicine?
Here is the link, which might be moved by the time you read this. Search the author’s name. He has many good articles on CAM.
1/21/08 09:42 JR