Should you take Ginkgo biloba with cilostazol or clopidogrel?

The effects of cilostazol (Pletal) and clopidogrel (Plavix) on platelet activity do not change when either drug is taken with G. biloba.


G. biloba prolongs the time it takes to stop bleeding (as measured by the bleeding time test) caused by Pletal — an effect that occurs independently of the action of Pletal on platelets.

The results of the study are based on 10 healthy men who took single doses of these drugs in different combinations.

Some background.

  • Pletal is taken to reduce the symptoms of intermittent claudication (leg weakness associated with blood circulation difficulties) that some people experience when walking.
  • Plavix is used to prevent clotting following heart attack, stroke, or claudication.

The bottom line?
According to the, G. biloba “is generally well tolerated, but due to multiple case reports of bleeding, should be used cautiously in patients on anti-coagulant [blood thinning] therapy, with known coagulopathy [bleeding disorder], or prior to some surgical or dental procedures.”

These study results don’t change this recommendation.

4/30/07 20:46 JR