This study looks at the association between timing and duration of chiropractic care in work-related low back pain and work-disability outcomes.
Patients from 4 states who received chiropractic care for uncomplicated occupational low back pain were identified through workers’ compensation claims.
And, the results.
- Chiropractic care was initiated within 30 days after the onset of back pain by 89% of claimants.
- 48% of them ended chiropractic care within the first 30 days.
- Shorter chiropractic care duration was significantly associated with a lower likelihood of work-disability recurrence and 9% shorter work-disability duration.
The bottom line?
The authors conclude that the results do “not support a benefit of longer chiropractic care in preventing work-disability recurrence or reducing work-disability duration in OLBP.”
This conclusion is in line with guidelines in an earlier post by Dr. Peter Stanton, a board certified chiropractic orthopedist practicing in Burke, Virginia.
11/22/07 17:32 JR