About 9% of US children age 8 to 15 meet the diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but fewer than half receive treatment, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
According to an earlier survey of more than 800 parents of children with ADHD. About 12% of children with diagnosed ADHD and 7% of those suspected of having ADHA use CAM.
What do they use?
- Faith healing 4%
- Homeopathy 3%
- Massage 2.4%
- Chiropractic 1.7%
- Acupuncture 0.4%
Yahoo Health lists CAM that is not effective treatment. Unfortunately, it was too much trouble for them to link to their sources.
A past entry (with links) on behavioral treatments and when they are likely to be most effective is listed here. And an entry on an innovative program using acupuncture is listed here.
Illustrations: www.artie.com
10/25/06 10:30 JR Updated 9/1/07 20:50 JR