A study at the University of Uppsala, Sweden reports that qigong (chee-kung) has positive and reliable effects regarding fibromyalgia.
Let’s look at these results and review other positive CAM studies in the past year.
In the latest study, women with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to qigong or a waiting-list control group. At the conclusion of the study the control group also received qigong.
Significant improvements in different aspects of pain and psychological health and distress were reported with qigong. More than 9 out of 10 women (92% completed the study. And at the 4-month follow-up, the majority of these benefits were either maintained or improved.
Other positive study results in the past 12 months.
Spa treatment
- Improvement in general health lasted until 6 months.
Mindfulness meditation
- Depressive symptoms improved significantly in the mindfulness group by the end of the program and at follow-up 2 months later.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Relieved symptoms of pain and fatigue in 25% of patients.
- Total fibromyalgia symptoms significantly improved with acupuncture vs the control group, with the largest difference at 1 month.
- Individualized homeopathy was significantly better than placebo in lessening pain and improving the quality of life and global health.
The bottom line?
None of the above is a definitive study. But in addition to chiropractic and massage, these are options to complement the analgesics, antidepressants, and muscle relaxants used to help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia and improve sleep.
9/15/07 17:35 JR