A United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Committee has reviewed reports that suggest a link between liver damage and the use of products that contain green tea extracts and black cohosh.
Yes, liver toxicity is rare, but?
Here’s what they recommend, as reported in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.
Based on 150 cases for black cohosh and 250 for green tea — of which 30 and 34 people respectively showed “possible” or “probable” liver damage related to their use — the USP suggests cautions be printed on product labels.
For example:
- “Caution: In rare cases black cohosh has been reported to affect the liver. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare practitioner if you have a liver disorder or develop symptoms of liver trouble, such as abdominal pain, dark urine, or jaundice.”
- “Caution: Must take with a meal. In rare cases extracts from green tea have been reported to adversely affect the liver. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare practitioner if you have a liver disorder or develop symptoms of liver trouble, such as abdominal pain, dark urine, or jaundice.”
More on the USP is here.
7/11/07 22:57 JR