Latest recommendations for calcium during peri- and postmenopause

Adequate calcium intake (along with adequate vitamin D status) reduces bone loss in peri- and postmenopausal women and reduces fractures in postmenopausal women older than age 60 with low calcium intake.

It’s a key component of any bone-protective treatment.

And the recommendations are?

  • Most postmenopausal women should take 1,200 mg of calcium each day.
  • Adequate vitamin D can usually be achieved with a daily oral intake of at least 400 to 600 IU.
  • Vitamin D is required to achieve the nutritional benefits of calcium.

The best source of calcium is food, but “high-quality calcium supplements taken in divided doses” are OK, according to the American Menopause Society — the group that made these recommendations.

A “supplemental” view of calcium supplements is here.

Taking the right amount of calcium can be tricky. Here’s some helpful information.

Of course, all this is a waste of time unless you buy a supplement that contains what’s stated on the label. So, go here.

11/29/06 19:55 JR