Nutritional comparison of organic and conventionally grown wheat

Scientists at Germany’s Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food compared wheat grown organically to wheat farmed conventionally with chemical fertilizers.

Here’s a summary of a report in the Toronto Sun based on an article published in the journal Agricultural & Food Chemistry.

  • No difference in 44 metabolic substances, including 11 amino acids, 13 sugars or sugar alcohols, 12 organic acids and eight other metabolites
  • No difference in the quality of the wheat grains
  • Organic wheat used less fertilizer and no herbicides or pesticides
  • The yield from the organic approach was about 30% lower than from conventional fields

Others have also reported lower yields with organic wheat.

Overall, there’s probably an ecological payoff, but not a nutritional one for organically grown wheat. One question not addressed in this study is whether there are health benefits related to the lack of residual fertilizers on organic wheat.

One more thing, computer models project that farmers can net an average $50 to $60 more per acre a year by going organic.

10/16/06 20:28 JR