Complementary therapies for cancer-related fatigue

Reviewers from the Mayo Clinic are not ready to support any single CAM option, but some warrant further study, in their opinion.

They reviewed studies of the effects of CAM treatments on cancer-related fatigue.

Treatments include acupuncture, aromatherapy, adenosine triphosphate infusions, energy conservation and activity management, healing touch, hypnosis, lectin-standardized mistletoe extract, levocarnitine, massage, mindfulness-based stress reduction, polarity therapy, relaxation, sleep promotion, support group, and Tibetan yoga.

“Currently, insufficient data exist to recommend any specific CAM modality for cancer-related fatigue.”

However, CAM interventions recommended for further study in large, randomized clinical trials include acupuncture, massage, levocarnitine, and the use of mistletoe extract.

5/9/07 20:34 JR