Pushing back against CAM in Italy

Italian physicians, led by former Health Minister, Prof. Umberto Veronesi from the Istituto Europeo di Oncologia di Milano, claim “these therapies risk depriving patients of effective cures, unlike modern medicine, which is based on centuries of science.”

The doctors are particularly concerned about homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, and herbal medicine as examples of “increasingly popular therapies whose usefulness is not certain.”

Why all the fuss?
The Italian parliament is considering legislation to boost CAM’s role. Eight different bills have been presented to parliament — including one that would permit teaching alternative medicine at Italian universities.

The signatories are swimming against the tide. Italy?s alternative medicine industry is booming. According to a 2006 study by research institute Eurispes, homeopathic remedies alone have been used by at least 11 million Italians (19%).

You can read more here, and about the practice of chiropractic in Italy here.

4/22/07 22:50 JR