Comparing the fat profiles of enriched and classic eggs

Omega-3 enriched eggs are on the shelves in food stores around the country. An enriched eggs is the same as a classic egg, except it contains higher levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acid called omega-3.

Here’s a comparison of fats in enriched eggs vs “classic” eggs.

  • Omega-6: 0.7 g (0.7 g)
  • Omega-3: 0.4 g (0.04 g)
  • Monounsaturated: 1.6 g (2.0 g)
  • Saturated: 1.2 g (1.5 g)
  • Cholesterol: 185 mg (190 mg)

There’s 10 times the omega-3 in an enriched egg.

Illustration: Egg Innovations

10/22/06 22:02 JR