Overall, they are positive, at least at the University of Minnesota.
Faculty members from departments who were directly involved in teaching at the college of pharmacy were included. Students were 4th-year doctor of pharmacy students less than a month away from graduation.
More than 80% of faculty and students believed?
- CAM should be included in the curriculum.
- CAM knowledge is important to them.
- Health professionals should be able to advise patients about CAM.
Despite positive attitudes?
- 16% of faculty and 30% of students believe that CAM results are usually due to the placebo effect.
- More than half indicated a strong desire to see CAM therapies validated in a scientific manner.
Regarding the place of CAM modalities in healthcare, only chiropractic was considered mainstream by more than 50% of the faculty and students.
CAM identified as moderately or highly effective by more than half of the faculty and students
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic
- Herbal medicine
- Massage
- Nutritional supplements
- Prayer/spiritual healing
Therapies most frequently perceived by faculty as being ineffective
- Aromatherapy (19%)
- Bioelectromagnetic therapies (26%)
- Homeopathy (26%)
A majority of students did not judge any CAM as ineffective.
More detailed results can be found here.
4/14/07 09:39 JR