An omega-3 enriched liquid egg product lowers triglycerides

A breakfast containing omega-3 enriched liquid eggs significantly decreased blood triglyceride levels by 32% and the triglyceride:HDL-cholesterol ratio by 37%.

That’s good!

There was also a moderate reduction in blood pressure. By comparison, the control breakfast had no such effects.

These findings are based on 16 healthy men with moderately elevated triglyceride levels (greater than 90 mg/dL) who ate the omega-3 enriched liquid egg breakfast or a control breakfast for 21 days, followed by the alternate breakfast for a second 21 days.

The results support enriched eggs as an option to deliver omega-3 fatty acids. The findings are important because North American families do not meet the recommended daily intake of omega-3. “The shortfall is significant,” according to Bruce Holub, an investigator in the study, “and needs to be addressed through increased public and health education efforts.”

The product used in this study is called Egg Creations.

Illustration: Egg Innovations

10/22/06 21:51 JR