A major review of omega 3 fatty acids

Over 3 decades, the potential health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have been studied, debated, and explained.

If you’ve been looking for a single authoritative and well-documented source on this subject, look no further than this article in the Journal of Nurse Practitioners on Medscape.

Nurses Paula Mayket and Nadine Zatsick from the Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown, Pennsylvania have done the hard work of compiling the evidence.

Worthy quotes.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can be divided into 2 subcategories, the omega-3 and the omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Both consumption of fish and higher blood concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids favorably affect CHD [coronary heart disease] mortality.
  • Potential cardioprotective mechanisms of action of omega-3 fatty acids include [prevent abnormal heart rhythms, blood clots, and hardening of the arteries], and anti-inflammatory properties as well as … lowering both blood pressure and serum triglyceride levels.
  • An inverse association [exists] between broiled and baked fish but not fried fish sandwiches and the risk of ischemic heart disease.
  • No significant drug interactions were found with fish oil supplements, and they are generally well tolerated.

The article lists dosing recommendations for specific patient groups.

4/18/07 10:35 JR