The next target of the food police

Libertarians complain that success in the trans fat wars (here, here, here, here, here), will embolden politicians to save us from ourselves.

The next target: caffeine.

Under the watchful eye of consumer and industry groups, like the Washington DC-based Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), PepsiCo and Coca Cola will reveal caffeine content in all their beverages in the US, according to an article in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.

Need more proof?
It’s been going on since last year. Energy Fiend asks why isn’t the caffeine content listed for Starbucks beverages? The company says content is variable based on location.

Energy Fiend is skeptical and thinks this is a better source.

Who am I to argue with a self-described energy (caffeine) fiend?

3/6/07 09:02 JR