Vertigo is a dizzying sensation of tilting or being in tilting or spinning surroundings.
Vertigoheel is a homeopathic product. It contains Ambra grisea, Anamirta cocculus, Conium maculatum, and Petroleum rectificatum.
Recently, a review of its effectiveness was published.
The review included 2 double-blind clinical trials and an analysis of the combined results from 4 other studies.
- The first trial: Vertigoheel was as effective in reducing the severity, duration, and frequency of vertigo compared to betahistine (Serc).
- The second trial: Vertigoheel was a suitable alternative to Ginkgo biloba for atherosclerosis-related vertigo.
- The analysis of 4 studies: Vertigoheel was as effective as betahistine, Ginkgo biloba, and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine).
Another study showed that taking Vertigoheel for 12 weeks was associated with increased blood flow in small vessels compared to placebo. There was also a reduction in the severity of vertigo.
This is all good, but there are issues to consider.
- The drugs Vertigoheel was compared to are marginally effective to treat vertigo.
- In fact, the FDA took betahistine off the market because it lacked proof of efficacy.
Successful treatment of vertigo depends mostly on identifying the cause and eliminating it. Diseases associated with vertigo are listed here. Drugs that can cause dizziness are listed here.
Before treating the symptom, try to identify the underlying cause and treat that if possible.
3/12/07 23:38 JR