Fatigue and impaired daytime functioning, confusion, altered timing of bowel movements, and sleep disturbance are all signs of jet lag. An article on Medscape lists options to manage jet lag.
The article covers many treatment options. CAM options are listed here.
Sleep on the plane
- Best done during what will become the new nighttime at the destination,
- Data are largely negative
- Benefits, if any, are very limited.
Bright light
- Advancing the sleep schedule 1 hour a day for 3 days preflight, combined with 3.5 hours of bright light in the mornings produces a phase advance of about 2 hours.
- Helpful, but not the total answer considering a flight to Europe has a 6- to 9-hour phase shift.
- Might help promote wakefulness.
- A 300-mg slow-release preparation reportedly improved wakefulness during 5 days of morning administration after a 7-time zone eastward flight.
3/11/07 14:20 JR