In a previous entry I discussed the incorporation of chiropractic within the orthopedics department of a Norwegian hospital. Dr. David Klein wrote to mention a similar practice model in Italy.
Here is what I learned about Static SpA.
During the 1970s, chiropractors in Italy were offered employment by a company called Static SpA to practice in collaboration with other healthcare professionals in well-equipped, attractive facilities.
In the Static clinics, medical staff triaged patients and assigned them to appropriate spinal care such as radiology, physical therapy, chiropractic, etc.
Interestingly, although chiropractic was offered, it was not called chiropractic, but rather “chiroterapia.” It’s not clear to me if this is just an Italian translation or if it was important to do this in order to get approved through National Health Insurance contracts as a free service to all Italians — which it did.
Static became one of the largest operations delivering services performed by chiropractors that the profession has ever known, according to the author. Eventually, similar clinics were started by other groups.
As of 2002, Italy has about 2000 chiropractors, with about half working in Static clinics.
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3/4/07 17:20 JR