It’s always a good idea to get a second opinion when it comes to your healthcare. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been used, recommended, or studied for many conditions, but its use is controversial. Here are two websites that reviewed the literature and are ready to advise on the status of CoQ10 — (MN) and (MC).
Here are comparative evaluations and ratings for three sample diseases.
High blood pressure
- MN: significantly reduced blood pressure (3 stars)
- MC: caused small decreases in blood pressure (grade B)
- MN: greater ability to exercise without chest pain confirmed in independent investigations (3 stars)
- MC: Preliminary small human studies suggest it may reduce angina and improve exercise tolerance (grade C)
Alzheimer’s disease
- MN: progression of the disease appeared to be prevented for up to two years (1 star)
- MC: may slow, but not cure, dementia (grade C)
On MN, 3 stars = reliable, relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit, 1 star = little scientific support and/or minimal benefit.
On MC, Grade B = good scientific evidence, grade C = unclear scientific evidence.
OK, I’m glad we cleared up that controversy.
7/32/06 22:30 JR