Acupuncture and TCM now regulated in Ontario

Last year, legislation was submitted in Ontario, Canada that would regulate acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in that province.

The deed is done.

The Hamilton Spectator reports. “Traditional Chinese medicine is now regulated by the province the same as doctors, nurses, and other traditional health-care professions.”

Within two years, a new self-governing regulatory college will set standards of practice and qualifications required. Only members of the new college or other regulated health professions will be able to do acupuncture. To use the title doctor, they will have to meet set standards.

Some acupuncturists in Toronto oppose the law mostly because it allows other health professions to practice acupuncture and TCM. But setting basic standards for medical services is a good thing.

Wouldn’t you agree?

1/21/07 14:19 JR