The public hearing on what role, if any, the agency should play in defining and regulating functional foods was held on December 5th.
Basically, established positions were restated, Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals reports.
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
- Established processes for bringing foods with health claims to market are not stringent enough.
- It’s had the unintended effect of discrediting all health claims — even those with strong clinical backing.
- Health claim benefits should be based on “nutritive value or ? physiological effect that has been scientifically documented.”
Natural Products Association (represents major supplements makers)
- “The current system provides … adequate authority.”
American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) agreed.
- The GRAS [Generally Recognized As Safe] notification system works well.
- The FDA should use current law to address the use of novel ingredients in functional food.
That was useful.
12/12/06 20:23 JR