Libertarian perspectives on anti-trans fat legislation

Last week, New York City became the first city in the US to ban trans fats.

Good news? Here are some other points of view.

Ann Althouse asks, “Where do these numbers come from?

  • According to New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden “Purging trans fats in New York would save at least 500 lives a year and possibly 1,400.”
  • That’s more than the number saved by seat belts.

Rush Limbaugh says, “Alarmism over dietary fat is junk science.” (For 24/7 members only)

Glenn Reynolds thinks, “The legislative approach is idiotic.”

“In the dough business, like show business, New York leads the way. If you can’t bake it there, you can’t bake it anywhere,” observes William Saletan.

Their concern — once you get past the quotes — is that this is only the beginning of politicians telling us what to eat.

They’re probably correct.

12/9/06 15:20 JR