Homeopathic remedy reduces symptoms of rhinosinusitis

Rhinosinusitis refers to symptoms (nasal obstruction/discharge and loss of smell) of a cold or allergy that involve the nasal passages and the sinuses.

This study (written in German) in 144 patients with acute rhinosinusitis showed improvement in those receiving the homeopathic remedy compared to patients who received placebo.

  • 7, 14, and 21 days after starting treatment, five sinusitis-typical symptoms were measured with scores from 0 (absent) to 4 (very strong).
  • The treatment group had significant improvement vs the placebo group after 7 days.
  • Homeopathic treatment resulted in freedom from complaints in 90% of the patients and improvement in a further 8%.
  • Complaints remained unchanged or became worse in 89% of the placebo patients.
  • One adverse event occurred in one patient in the placebo group.

This is good, but the abstract leaves open many questions.

  • What homeopathic treatment was administered?
  • Was it the same for all treated patients?
  • How long did the patients take the treatment?
  • Were the improvements based on the patients’ or doctors’ evaluation?
  • Am I correct that it took 7 days before significant changes were reported?

The researchers concluded, “The homeopathic product allows an effective and tolerable treatment of acute rhinosinusitis.”

12/22/06 15:39 JR