Black cohosh does not reduce menopausal symptoms

Another study reports that black cohosh is useless to prevent hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause.

Here are the results from the Herbal Alternatives (HALT) for Menopause Study, funded by the National Institutes of Health.

This was a 12-month randomized, double-blind, comparison of herbal regimens and menopausal hormone therapy vs placebo in 351 women ages 45 to 55.


  • Black cohosh
  • Multibotanical supplement (black cohosh, alfalfa, boron, chaste tree, dong quai, false unicorn, licorice, oats, pomegranate, and Siberian ginseng)
  • The multibotanical supplement plus diet counseling to increase consumption of foods containing soy
  • Menopausal hormone therapy (estrogen with/without a progestin)
  • Placebo

And the results

  • No difference in the number of daily hot flashes and/or night sweats with any herbal supplement vs placebo.
  • But a significant difference between menopausal hormone therapy and placebo.

“While this study found that black cohosh alone or with other herbs did not reduce menopausal hot flashes,” said NCCAM Acting Director Dr. Ruth Kirschstein, “it highlights the importance of studying herbs using well-designed research to find out what works and what does not. With this information women and their physicians can have a meaningful discussion of complementary and alternative medicine approaches to menopause.”


Click “Black Cohosh” on the right column to read more.

12/22/06 11:23 JR