A synthetic cannabinoid might improve fertility in some smokers

Most tobacco smokers have a decline in fertility. In some the decline is significant.

A study presented during the 2006 American Society of Reproductive Medicine meeting reported that for smokers who can’t quit, a synthetic cannabinoid called AM-1346 might improve their fertilizing capacity.

Here’s what they did.
Sperm with poor fertilizing potential was taken from male smokers and washed with AM-1346. After incubation, there was a doubling in the fertilizing capacity of sperm from poor quality semen.

But wait!

In contrast, sperm samples from men with normal fertility and normal semen quality reacted in the opposite manner! In this group AM-1346 caused a substantial decrease in fertilizing capacity.

This research is in the early stages. There were only nine men studied, and the washed sperm has not made anyone pregnant yet ? let alone have a baby.

12/6/06 09:27 JR