Two years ago Denmark made it illegal for any food to have more than 2% trans fatty acids. The result? Today hardly anyone notices the difference, reports the Associated Press.
“The french fries are still crispy. The pastries are still scrumptious. And the fried chicken is still tasty,” according to this report. And the pastries “taste just as good as they always did,” said the 59-year-old sales assistant.
Here is a list of companies and their products that no longer contain trans fatty acids. Have you noticed a difference?
- Au Bon Pain eliminated trans fat from all of its cookies, bagels, and muffins
- Jason’s Deli stopped using partially hydrogenated oils in all of its products
- Panera Bread is in the process of replacing all partially hydrogenated oils
- California Pizza Kitchen removed trans fat from deep-fried foods and is working on eliminating it from all other foods
- Ruby Tuesday began deep-frying in canola oil, though its suppliers still par-fry some items in partially hydrogenated oil
- Chik-fil-A fries in peanut oil, though its suppliers also par-fry French fries in partially hydrogenated oil
- Kraft eliminated most or all trans fat from Triscuts, Wheat Thins, Chips Ahoy, Mallomars, Reduced Fat Oreos, Boca products, Honey Maid low fat Cinnamon Grahams, SnackWell’s Cracked Pepper crackers
- Gorton’s is using healthier oils in its entire line of fish sticks and fillets
- George Weston Bakeries plans to eliminate trans fat in all Entenmann’s and Freihofer cake and danish products
- McCain uses canola oil for all of its grocery and retail frozen potatoes and one line of its food-service French fries.
Starbucks, the Friendly ice-cream chain, and Popeyes fried-chicken chain have no plans to remove or reduce trans fat in their foods.
10/16/06 23:20 JR