Correlating magnesium with death due to heart disease

Here are some findings on magnesium levels in drinking water that suggest more magnesium (harder water) is healthier. The data have implications for the calcium/magnesium ratio in supplements.

In a survey of 25 U.S. cities

  • The lowest death rates from heart disease were in areas where drinking water supplied more magnesium and less calcium than the U.S. average

Australia vs Texas

  • Australia has the highest cardiovascular death rate in the world
  • It also has some of the world’s softest drinking water
  • Western Texas has the hardest drinking water
  • It also has the lowest cardiovascular mortality rates in the U.S.

The relationship between death rates from coronary heart disease and the dietary calcium:magnesium ratio in several countries is shown in the figure.

Note that the magnesium level increases in proportion to calcium as you move left on the horizontal axis.

What’s a consumer to do?

Dr. K Sharma, the source of the information presented above states, “The traditional ratio of approximately 2 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium needs to be upgraded to increase magnesium intake in view of the overwhelming beneficial role of magnesium. The ideal ratio for most people’s needs is an equal ratio of calcium and magnesium.”

9/1/06 0:32 JR