I signed up for the Harvard Health Letter last night. This morning they sent a free report titled, Living to 100: What’s the Secret?
Here are the secrets based on their review of several studies.
There’s not one high tech recommendation in the bunch.
- Don’t smoke or drink heavily
- Gain little or no weight during adulthood
- Don’t overeat
- Eat many fruits and vegetables
- Get regular physical activity for as long you’re able
- Challenge your minds
- Have a positive outlook
- Be friendly and maintain close ties with family and friends
“Many researchers think that people could add up to a decade to their lives if they emulated the centenarians. And, from what we know so far, they aren’t doing anything mysterious. They’re simply following the standard health commandments: don’t smoke, keep trim, get exercise, manage stress, and avoid social isolation.”
It’s good reading. You should sign up and read the whole thing.
9/22/06 10:58 JR