In people with type 2 diabetes (sometimes call non-insulin dependent diabetes), psychological therapy (ie, counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, or psychodynamic therapy) contributes to improved long-term diabetes control and psychological distress. But it doesn’t seem to help with weight control or blood glucose concentrations.
In 12 trials, the average reduction in glycated hemoglobin (A1c) averaged 0.76% in people assigned a psychological intervention than in those who did not get to sit on the psychologist’s couch
An earlier post here reported that psychological support also helps young people with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes.
Diabetics who keep their A1c levels close to 7% have a better chance of delaying or preventing diabetes complications than those with levels 8% or higher. Lowering A1c by about a three-quarters of a percent could be an important contribution to diabetes control.
It would be useful to know which diabetes are likely to respond best to counceling.
9/16/06 22:11 JR