With so many people traveling to China, it’s worthwhile to report drug warnings by the Hong Kong Department of Health. Earlier this week (see “News Bulletin” and click the August 3rd report), the public was advised not to buy or take a Chinese herbal preparation called as Beijing Jiannan Zhongyi Hospital Zhongyao Pei Fang Ke Li.
A patient was taking the medicine to treat gout and developed acute hepatitis. In addition to the herbal medicine, analysis of the contents revealed phenacetin, aminopyrine, ibuprofen (Motrin), diclofenac (Voltarin), and indomethacin (Indocin).
One published report states that the man recovered and was discharged from hospital. It also states, “his acute hepatitis was unrelated to the product.”
I guess that depends on how you define “product.” The liver toxicity in this patient might not have been due to the main herbal ingredient ? whatever that is. But I define “product” as everything contained therein. Accordingly, this product places everyone who takes it at increased risk of hepatitis. Related information on the risks for liver toxicity posed by the adulterated contents is discussed here and here.
8/5/06 15:14 JR