A literature review by Dr. Guy Faulkner from the University of Toronto reveals that adding exercise to standard care (counseling and/or nicotine replacement therapy) increases short-term smoking abstinence.
Unfortunately, the evidence is not good for long-term abstinence. A Cochrane review concluded, “only one of 11 trials offered evidence for exercise aiding smoking cessation at a 12-month follow up.”
But wait, there’s more.
- Low-moderate exercise reduces symptoms of smoking withdrawal and cravings
- Just five minutes of moderate exercise results in more relief from cigarette cravings (both during and after physical activity sessions) than light or no physical activity
- Exercise lessens cravings triggered by cues such as a lit cigarette
What to do?
Here are Dr. Faulkner’s recommendations, based on the published evidence and interviews with experts.
- Start an exercise program two to four weeks before quitting smoking
- Make exercise an integral part of smoking cessation treatment
- The exercise program should be structured
- Supervised exercise (get a partner or trainer) leads to better adherence and early success
It’s not easy to stop smoking. Hopefully, this information will help. Good luck.
8/20/06 12:00 JR