Dealing with caffeine withdrawal

An article in Yoga Journal states, “Some yogis eschew the use of all caffeine, while others adopt a policy of moderate consumption. Caffeine can temporarily enliven the body, but dependence on it could hinder your yoga practice.”

For those who want to stop using caffeine-containing products, the article recommends adding Yogi tea or specific medicinal herbs to your diet to help ease the transition.

I have no idea if any of this stuff helps. It is clear however, that caffeine withdrawal is well documented and is included in DSM-IV-TR (the 4th text revision of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), considered the bible of mental disorders.

Here are details of the caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

  • Headache
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, decreased energy/activeness
  • Decreased alertness, difficulty concentrating, foggy/not clearheaded
  • Decreased contentedness, irritability
  • Depressed mood
  • Flu-like symptoms, nausea/vomiting, muscle pain/stiffness

How likely are you to experience symptoms of caffeine withdrawal?

  • Headache 50%
  • Distress or functional impairment 13%

When does withdrawal begin?

  • Onset of symptoms 12-24 hours after abstinence
  • Peak intensity 20-51 hours
  • Duration 2-9 days

In general, the incidence or severity of symptoms increase with increases in daily dose. Abstinence from doses as low as 100 mg/day produces symptoms.

The average daily intake of caffeine among caffeine consumers in the United States is about 280 mg (about one to two mugs of coffee or three to five bottles of soft drink). Higher intakes are estimated in some European countries.

8/23/06 20:39 JR