“I have had acupuncture because I can get angry and I hate that feeling,” says Hannah (age 16 years), “you know, when you get really hot and out of control with your temper. I find it easier now to stay in control. I would tell anyone to have acupuncture if they have the chance.”
Heather Rabone is a teacher of special educational and a practitioner of acupuncture. Hannah is her student. Ms. Rabone started “Space for Acupuncture” at Stanchester Community School in the U.K. The program, which is for children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has introduced acupuncture into the curriculum as part of the support for special educational needs at the school.
Ms. Rabone’s article presents the politics associated with incorporating the program into the curricula and the endpoints, which presumably will be published as the program proceeds. She also discusses the scientific justification for this approach, which is, unfortunately, limited.
Good luck.
8/6/06 16:12 JR