Do you have vacation time coming in 2006? has listed the 2006 events calendar. Rather than the same Caribbean vacation or week at the Jersey shore, consider linking your vacation to a CAM meeting.
Here’s one that makes my tastebuds tingle.
July 30-Aug 5: Wild Foods Mountain Retreat. A week-long program in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Forage for wild edible and medicinal plants, and prepare tasty and nutritional meals.
Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.
Other must attend meetings.
October 16-17: First International Symposium on Pomegranate and Minor Mediterranean Fruits. Adana, Turkey.
October 28-30: The 2nd Internatiomal Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology (ISSBT). Mashhad, Iran.
Do you think CAM is becoming too specialized?
Want to see more? Go to the website.
7/18/06 13:20 JR