Here are age-adjusted percentages of American adults 18 years and older that used complementary and alternative medicine in 2002.
The data include the use of megavitamin therapy and prayer, as well as other forms of CAM. The source is Barnes PM, et al. Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States 2002. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics. 2004 May 27;343:1-20.
More than half of members of each of the groups listed below used CAM in 2002. It was highest in the south, among blacks, and by those with at least some college experience. CAM use tends to increase with advancing age.
By region
- Northeast: 58%
- Midwest: 61%
- South: 65%
- West 62% (64% when confined to Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California
By race
- White: 60%
- Black: 71%
- Asian: 62%
- Hispanic/Latino: 61%
By education
- Less than high school: 57%
- High school graduate: 58%
- Some college: 65%
- Associate of arts degree: 64%
- BA or BS: 67%
- Masters, doctorate, professional degree: 66%
Finally, here are the data by age:
- 18-29 years: 54%
- 30-39 years: 61%
- 40-49 years: 64%
- 50-59 years: 66%
- 60-69 years: 65%
- 70-84 years: 69%
- 85 years and over: 70%
7/10/06 23:35 JR